Is this work by Charles Louis Baugniet a lost jewel from the J. Stricker Jenkins collection? Bidders at Christie’s will decide on Oct. 31, 2018
Jack of All Trades, Curt Frankenstein
Some adventurous artists like Chicago’s Curt Frankenstein slide under the radar, until their work sells for $21 million at Sotheby’s.
Chinese Porcelain
Antique Chinese porcelain is an area rich with major finds and major landmines. Which category will my Daoguang bowl fit into?
Fake or Real Art — Avoiding Buying Blunders
I’ve made my share of bad purchases — hopefully my pain will be your gain!
Lee Grantham and the Chicago Imagists
Will this fine painting by Lee Grantham rival the great Vivian Maier photography find in Chicago? Well they have one thing in common — John Maloof is a fan!
Sex, Drugs, Cryptocurrency, and Shipping Disasters
Do what I say, not what I do, to avoid experiencing an online shipping disaster. Also, bitcoin makes great clickbait.
Finding Studio Art Glass
I’ve assembled a large number of art glass pieces over the years; it all started when I stumbled onto a small organic Harvey Littleton sculpture…
Favorite Finds — Jackie Ormes
African American fine art has developed into a thriving market, which I discovered when I bought a fantastic still life by Jackie Ormes and sent it to an auction in New York…
Buying Rookwood
Rookwood pottery has gone through a series of ups and downs, but it’s never gone out of style. When I found my first piece of Rookwood for $2 I learned to keep on looking…